Once a course grade is recorded on the transcript, a grade change form may be submitted by the original course instructor only if there is an exceptional circumstance that is documented, or in cases where an incomplete (grade of I) is being changed to a grade.
Submitting a Grade Change Request
Please use the online grade change form to submit your request. For grade changes requiring additional approvals, you will be prompted in the online form to submit to your department chair. Once required approvals are obtained, your form will be submitted to the Registrar’s Office for review and processing. You will receive a confirmation when the grade change has been processed. A registrar’s office staff member will reach out to you if we have questions or need additional information.
Additional Notes:
Submitting a grade change for an Incomplete (I) grade
If a grade is being changed from an “I” to a letter grade the only signature that is necessary is that of the instructor. Once completed, the form will be sent directly to the Registrar’s Office. If an “I” grade has automatically converted to an “F” grade due to deadlines and a new letter grade is requested, the signatures of the instructor and the Chair of the department are required.
When “I” grades are involved please be mindful of the Incomplete Grading Policy and respective timelines.
Submitting a grade change for NG (no grade) indicators
A grade of NG is recorded when rosters are not submitted by posted deadlines. Once “NG” grades are assigned, audit requirements necessitate an individual grade change form be filed in the student record (late grades cannot be submitted via roster or spreadsheet). If a grade is being changed from an “NG” to a letter grade or to an “I” grade the signatures of the instructor and the Chair of the department are required
Submitting a letter grade change
If a letter grade is being changed to a different letter grade, the signatures of the instructor and the Chair of the department are required.
Grade Changes requiring additional approvals
Grade changes submitted more than one year after the grade posting deadline, post-degree, or in the absence of the original course instructor require the approval of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.
You will be prompted to select your department chair when submitting a grade change requiring approval. Department chairs will be prompted to submit requests needing additional approval as part of their approval process.
Contact the Registrar’s Office if you have questions regarding grade change request submission.