Classroom assignments for the main campus, except for specialty courses that need a department room, are determined by the Registrar’s Office.
Final Exam Room Assignment
All classroom assignments for main campus final exams are determined by the Registrar’s Office.
To view the current term final exam schedule, please refer to the Final Exam Schedule located under Academic Calendar.
Scheduling Coordinator Training
Staff and Faculty who are newly designated Scheduling Coordinators or backup coordinators must attend a Scheduling Coordinator training prior to being granted access.
To find the next available time of a training, please submit a Help Ticket.
Course Component and Credit Hour Guidelines
A course component is a term used in the scheduling system to classify the various types of courses available at UMBC. Course components are determined by the academic departments/scheduling coordinators and maintained by the Registrar’s Office.
Scheduling Coordinators List
This is the current scheduling coordinator list for the various departments. If you see an error, please contact the Associate Registrar for Catalog, Scheduling and Faculty Services.